Creates a more faster and more fun experience for SOASE. It adds new ships for all races, better defenses and larger gravity wells(more mining roids). My mod includes MANSHOOTER's Volumetric Explosions&Damage Effects Mini-mod v0.8 MERGED with Bailknight's Effects Mod 1.3 and with my own tweaking of the graphic effects.
I used MANSHOOTER's addon in this video.
Published on October 20, 2008 By Kiedjor In Sins Modding

After thinking on how to do this, I think I finally did it. Probably needs more smoother or fluid movement which might or might not be possible. But, we will see!

The frigate (strikecraft) tend to sometimes get stuck on the ship its attacking. Currently in the process of working this out.;12115293;/fileinfo.html






Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 21, 2008

High acceleration, low deceleration?

on Oct 21, 2008

Ya i'm trying to get it right but its always this rigid feel to it. Maybe i'm spoiled with homeworld2.

on Oct 21, 2008

Looks great! Actually moving ships ! Dream come true... only thing I think I noticed is that we don't see you ship firing.. + it goes through other ships...! Interesting!

on Oct 21, 2008

Ya the thing is , the ship moves too fast and due to how the targeting and firing system works it becomes buggy. I might change the weapons to missiles which probably look a lot better.

on Oct 21, 2008

Good luck with that

on Oct 21, 2008

Can we know how did you accomplish this? Invisible controller ships and the frigate models attached? Have you worked out a solution for other associated problems, like ships being unable to phase on their own and dissapearing as they "dock"?

on Oct 21, 2008

Ya, the kamikaze ability that the scouts get for advent I changed it so they wont die when they try to ram the target. Using the same stats as the fighter's speed I put that into the info file. Also make sure the line in kamikaze ability that says being able to pass through targets make sure thats true. Also, combine with the kodiak sprint ability it will speed up while in fight.Hope this helps.


The model is the vasari fighter model I replace the frigate model with this one. Not the other way around.

on Oct 22, 2008

And to say..this man of a the same one helping me out on my first ever mod!

I'm too spoiled

Have to say it again though! KIEDJOR========YOUR SUBMARINE ROCKS!


+1 karma

on Oct 22, 2008

Thanks man! I'll return favor give you +1 karma

on Oct 22, 2008

That's an ingenious solution. I feel bad that you have to jump through such hoops to make that work. If I get some free time I'll look into how easy it would be to add a parameter to the frigate entity files to have them select the fighter physics. I can guarantee they won't behave exactly how everyone wants moving frigates to work but atleast it'll be much easier to get to that state. Perhaps with the right value tweaks it'll be pretty good.

on Oct 22, 2008

Wow man that would be great!

on Oct 22, 2008

That would be sweet

on Oct 22, 2008


Blair Fraser in person...*faints*! The maker, designer and producer of the no.1 game on my top ten list (You're good to have outranked Exile 3: The Ruined World') The world's BEST RPG!!!

I bow to you!



on Oct 23, 2008

*fans ShadowMastiff* Breathe, man, breathe...

That would be awesome, by the way. Kiedjor's solution is quite innovative, I wouldn't have thought of that, but having this ability supported by the engine would be even better! And once again, hat's off to Kiedjor for the best solution to static battles problem so far.

on Oct 23, 2008

Ty manshooter! I cant wait for your mod it kicks ass! I love the addon aswell!

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